our top recently watched anime
our top recently watched anime
- 16:25 / By Unknown
After approximately an hour of discussing how to start of this blog and another hour spent re-writing the first sentence we have decided that in our first entry we will be discussing our favourite recently watched anime. Some titles which you will find on this list have only just came out this season and are only on their first episodes, and others may already be quite well known to you. In any case, if you have not yet seen either one of these you...CONTINUE READING
After approximately an hour of discussing how to start of this blog and another hour spent re-writing the first sentence we have decided tha...
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About me
A blog devoted to our totally random interests in anime, kdramas, kpop,jpop,beauty, and a number of cute/KAWAII glittery things. And everything else we are obsessed with at the moment.
Blog poświęcony naszym przypadkowo zgromadzonym zainteresowaniom anime, kdramami, kpopem, jpopem, beauty, jak również wszystkim co słodkie/KAWAII i błyszczące. Oraz wszystkim innym na punkcie czego mamy aktualnie obsesje.
Author Info
Two Polish 'beginner' bloggers living in Poland and the UK.
Marika- a to be Korean Studies university major in love with the Korean language and culture- also Kawaii obsessed.
Marietta- a bio-chem sixth form student whose hobbies include sleeping and browsing the web.
PoczÄ…tkujÄ…ce blogerki mieszkajÄ…ce w Polsce i Wielkiej Brytanii.
Marika- przyszła studentka Koreanistyki, zakochana w Koreańskim języku i kulturze.
Marietta- studentka liceum na profilu bio-chem której główne zainteresowania to spanie i przesiadywanie na internecie.